What is a Don Quixote Moment?

Marcus Dupuis
2 min readJun 4, 2022
Painting by Octavio Ocampo

Don Quixote’s story represents a last big statement in our lives!

We all have a Don Quixote moment in our life.

Sometimes you can only really see it in retrospect. Looking back we can see the story, but we don’t know the story while we are in it… in fact, it is being written in the very moment we are experiencing it.

Focusing on the process of creating our life has some value, but we can’t be mesmerized by it! We can’t get hung up on the miracle, we have to BE the miracle… don’t get stuck thinking about it!

Keep flowing in the awake and conscious state we are living in! We are continually creating our life. Feel and Witness the flowing river of experience.

One of my Don Quixote sculptures… a reminder!

We peak in our capacity to produce, but we never lose the understanding of how the game is played. Don Quixote can still ride a horse and go to battle. So he takes on these attacking giants, a grand and valiant act of service, albeit in his imagination… because the giants are actually windmills.

But his intentions are pure, his actions are valiant, and his heart is engaged.

We all have our Don Quixote moments or phase, we are all Don Quixotes, all men and all women, anyone with a Life!

Some make their D.Q. moment grandiose. For some people the great ‘hurrah’ is becoming a Grand-Parent. That, in itself, is a great achievement. We can also have more than one Don Quixote moment in the later stages of our life; it all depends on the circumstances of your life.

Opportunities come up — and they happen for a reason.

Meditation helps with understanding, in an effortless way.

Contemplation can help, as long as you don’t get too mental about it.

Remember, You are not because you think!

You think therefore You are in trouble.

Hence the saying, “You think too much!”

You feel therefore you are, but that is a whole other topic!

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Come visit us at www.ElementalLiving.ca

In the meantime, Breathe Deep My Friend,

Marcus Dupuis @ www.ElementalLiving.ca & www.RelaxationOne.com



Marcus Dupuis

Founder of Relaxation One and The Elemental Living Group. He is a Mindfulness Coach, Breathing Coach and a Crossroads Consultant!.