Rumi Said

“Don’t feel lonely, the whole universe is inside you”

Marcus Dupuis
2 min readJun 1, 2023


But what does that mean?

What is this Ocean of Consciousness?

One thing we know is that we have the wisdom of the universe within us. Right down to the molecular and sub-atomic level.

We have to have the wisdom in the universe inside us, how else would we become these amazing hominoid beings… think about it, there are no instructions, no operating manual, it just happens.

Everything is resonance, How we resonate with what is resonating is the challenge, question, crucial factor in being in harmony. When we find the perfect 5th, we are resonating in harmony. We add the 3rd, and it gets even better. Jazz is the limit; where we use the whole scale. Sometimes there is a dissonance, but the trained ear can hear through all of it, and always know the root.

The root is the Shumann resonance, it’s the OM, it is centre it is home, and the core of who you are.

Finding that root and chord is the quest. Getting there is the Journey.

Meditation is a vehicle we can ride on that journey, it gives us the opportunity to see what comes up from the well of our subconscious. Whatever comes up from the well of the subconscious is a clue that leads somewhere. When you meditate every morning 15–20 minutes, then your subconscious mind organizes the day, brings up priorities, forgotten tasks and hatches new ideas.

After a meditation you know where you are going next.

So what do we connect to, what is this thing we call the subconscious?

What organizes it?

It seems to connect to something outside ourselves, something greater than ourselves, which brings us back to the wisdom of the universe in each and every one of us.

We are drops in the ocean of consciousness, but the ocean of consciousness is within us all.

That is how molecules, proteins and cells know what to do with themselves. There is a greater universal map that we can’t see all at once, we get glimpses of it, but it is there in the substrate of existence. Water is part of Consciounessthe ocean metaphor; vast yet molecular, we are both.

We are Drops and the Ocean all at once!

Marcus ~ May 31rst, 2023 ~ visit ~ Breathe Deep My Friend



Marcus Dupuis

Founder of Relaxation One and The Elemental Living Group. He is a Mindfulness Coach, Breathing Coach and a Crossroads Consultant!.