How I Became a Life Change Consultant
There were a few moments in my life where I became aware that I was helping people in ways that I didn’t realize. One of these times was when I met a friend that I hadn’t seen in ten years. I asked how things were going. He gave me some details on his new venture and added, “you changed my life”.
I was caught off guard a little, and asked, “how did that happen exactly?” He went on to explain that listening to my life stories had taught him that he could be successful at whatever he set out to achieve. I inspired him to take the first step on a bigger journey. Just listening to my success stories and observing how I achieved my dreams inspired him to believe he could do the same. He told me that he had not had the opportunity to tell me because we had not seen each other in years, and he was happy he could tell me now.
Then it happened again with another acquaintance. She had gone through a major career change inspired by a few ideas I shared on how to get it done. Then it happened again. One friend told me, “I live my life vicariously through you.” Through the years I came to realize that my actions were having an impact that i wasn’t paying attention to. My comments had more weight then I thought.
Then I started to remember events that happened when I was ten and twelve years old; stories that reminded me that I had often been the kid to get things figured out for others. When I was ten, I remember laying in the backyard in the evening observing the stars with my friends. They would ask me names of stars. I would look them up in the encyclopedia (remember those) and deliver the answer. At school, many students would gather around my desk in math class, and I would explain the workings of algebra and calculus. Interesting detail; these students and friends would get a higher mark then myself on the exams. But they came to me to get help in understanding math!
My ability to find answers and explain complicated concepts had always been there, and I realized I had been doing it all my life. In photography I showed people how to use their camera, in music I taught the mechanics of songwriting, in Solar Power i bridged the gap of understanding between engineers and solar power customers, in business it is how to navigate the steps to success, the art of contract writing, along with succeeding in business while maintaining balance.
In the year 2000 I sold my most successful retail business and started Elemental Marketing, which was a consultation company that helped people take a business plan from concept to reality. Marketing wasn’t my main strength (plus it became a bad word), so I refined my main strength, which is in helping people identify their true passion and purpose and then empowering them to take the next step. I was more a personal growth coach then a marketing guru.
Then, through years of working with Clients, intense study and world travel, I came across the opportunity to translate a book from Spanish to English. The book is called, “The Art of Listening to Life” by Joseph Soler. Joseph and I became good friends and we have worked together for over ten years now. I translated his book because there were so many aspects of navigating change that were exactly how I saw it and taught it. Now that I was more aware of my impact on other people’s lives, I was looking for formulas and systems for helping others. I was synthesizing all the ideas on succeeding that I had been sharing throughout my life, but the formula was becoming more clear.
Th Adventure continued with teaching workshops and doing consultations with people who were confronted with big life changes, health challenges, mystifying circumstances, and roadblocks. A Consultant with extensive experience is often all that is needed to figure out the way around obstacles. Bouncing your fears or your ideas off of a professional is valuable.
Some people need a Consultant for a couple of hours to achieve a breakthrough. Others use a Consultant to accompany them through several stages of development. The important take-away here, is that a Consultant is a Partner for the time period that you choose. Once the challenges are understood or overcome, you continue building your dream. The biggest bonus, “You get there faster!” and Elemental Living is my company now! I really enjoy helping people through their crossroad or roadblock. I love seeing people overcome obstacles and succeed. At Brain Change Consulting we have so many tools that can help you thrive, and reach your destination faster.
There are so many reasons to work with a Consultant. The challenge is finding a Consultant with a strong background and an ability to accompany you. Experience, feedback, outside perspective, solutions, systems, techniques, encouragement, accompaniment, you get it all with a Consultant!
Book a Discovery Session! It’s free, and we can determine what you need in a phone call.
Talk soon, and Breath Deep My Friend!
Marcus Dupuis —
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